Midnight Breed Rising

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Midnight Breed Rising is a roleplaying group based off Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed Series. We are not affiliated with Lara Adrian. Thank you for joining us.

3 posters

    Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014

    Dylan Alexander
    Dylan Alexander

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    Join date : 2014-05-26
    Age : 44

    Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014 Empty Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014

    Post by Dylan Alexander Mon May 26, 2014 1:47 pm

    We would not have the freedom we have if not for all of the men and women who fought to give us our life as we know it. Today is the day all should take pride in what the men and women in the service have done for us.
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    Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014 Empty Re: Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014

    Post by JennO Mon May 26, 2014 5:04 pm

    Here in the UK, we dont celebrate Memorial Day, we have Remembrance Day, in November, thats when Poppys are sold, they symbolise blood spilled during the World Wars, we have a minutes silence, when the last gun fell silent during the last War, fields of Poppies appeared where the fallen lay, its a moving day for everyone who has lost someone during these Wars
    Dylan Alexander
    Dylan Alexander

    Posts : 76
    Join date : 2014-05-26
    Age : 44

    Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014 Empty Re: Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014

    Post by Dylan Alexander Mon May 26, 2014 5:20 pm

    That is way cool Jenn.
    Tavia Fairchild-Chase
    Tavia Fairchild-Chase

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    Age : 40

    Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014 Empty Re: Thoughts of what today means-Memorial Day 2014

    Post by Tavia Fairchild-Chase Tue May 27, 2014 7:04 pm

    Memorial day for me is honoring our men and women who have fought and died for our freedom, and for remembering our loved ones who have crossed over and sharing the special memories with other loved ones.

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